Doula Services
Birth Services
I help you stay strong and calm during birth. I will offer comfort measures, coping techniques and constant presence to help you create a satisfying birth experience. With education, physical and emotional support I ease your transition in adding a child to your family.
As a trained Hypnobabies® Hypno-Doula I can help you have a shorter, easier, more peaceful, pain free birth.
Postpartum Care
I teach you how to: care for your new baby, bathe, swaddle, sooth, and give infant massages. I assess breastfeeding and also care for baby while you rest or get cleaned up. I provide tactical support for families by doing light housekeeping which can include laundry, house tidying, sweeping, cooking meals, dishes, and assisting parents with the care of older siblings. I am the extra pair of hands moms and dads need at this pivotal time.

Doula Services
Pregnancy and Birth
1-2 birth planning visits to learn coping techniques, relaxation skills and practice communication strategies for birth
Birth preferences review
On-call availability for the month around your due date
Support laboring at home before moving to your birth location
Continuous support for you and your birth team during your labor, with a second doula available for long labors
(over 24 hours)
One postpartum visit for birth reflection and practical support
Breastfeeding education and support
After Baby Doula
Newborn Services
9 Hour Postpartum, 3-3 hour visits
In-home teaching and care (9 hours)
Phone consulting (up to 1 hour)
15 Hour, 5-3 hour visits
In-home teaching and care (15 hours)
Phone consulting (up to 1 hour)
21 Hour, 7-3 hour visits
Hospital Visit if available
In-home teaching and care (21 hours)
Phone consulting (up to 1 hour)

Overnight Package
24 hours total
3 nights, not consecutive
At times a family just needs to re-set their sleep. I tend baby while parents get a full night’s rest and are then able to continue forward, refreshed and with a new outlook on life. Nurslings can also be brought in at feeding time, then settled back to sleep for mom.
Serving Central Utah- Richfield, Salina, Gunnison, Manti, Ephriam, Nephi, Mount Pleasant and points in between